Practicing the Way captures some of the old Nooma magic
Having grown up in evangelical/quasi-fundamentalist spaces I have always been a bit of a sucker for high production value efforts to articulate the Gospel or Christian life. This particular stream of the Way of Jesus may be presumed to be like Ned Flanders in their affect, but generally, are quite sophisticated in their use of media for broadcasting their message (for every cringey God’s-Not-Dead movie there’s also the legacy of pre-bankruptcy Veggietales).
Growing up, Mars Hill’s Nooma video series left a long lasting impression on me. Those short form films combined genuinely creative storytelling, filmmaking, and Biblical teaching. For a 12 year old kid who’d spent his life immersed in Bible stories told with a steady (and stale) cadence they were a revelation. I think they left such an impression because they really tried to honor and work within the medium of film’s strengths and limitations for articulating Christian claims.
All of the above is background to say that I think Practicing The Way’s trailers for their online courses recaptures the old Nooma magic a little bit. I’m glad they’re out there and I hope the teachings they are meant to spark interest for find fertile soil.
The series so far:
”…it’s a rhythm that God the creator built into the fabric of the human body and creation itself.”
”…to pray is to commune with the God who is closer to us than we are to ourselves.”
Fasting (my favorite vid so far)
”…it’s an ancient practice whose time has come.”
Solitude (the production values jump from here onward)
”…solitude is the furnace of transformation.”
”…little by little He makes our souls incandescent.”
”…our part is to remember.”