An interesting Public Domain find. A picture of a voter registration drive taken by John H White, as a part of his series of photos documenting Black life in Chicago.

An interesting Public Domain find. A picture of a voter registration drive taken by John H White, as a part of his series of photos documenting Black life in Chicago.
An interesting Public Domain find this week. A 1940 image of a square dance in Mcintosh County, OK by Russell Lee.
By the end of this weekend we’ll most likely have received 8-12 inches of snow. So today’s public domain image is a winter scene from Joseph Morviller held by the Library of Congress:
The Public Domain Image Archive has an infinite scroll mode that can surface some intriguing stuff. I think I’ll start to occasionally post some of the more interesting things I stumble upon. Today’s image is from the Portraits of Ellis Island Immigrants collection. Three women from Guadeloupe: